Thursday, 21 July 2011

Hi-de-Hi! Ho-de-Ho!

keyway non-stick wooden handle frying pan lw528saLast night, after I had finally drifted off, my servants booked our Sommerpause (summer holiday), although I don't yet know about it. We have signed up for the Happy Camper Regiment and will obey without question the orders of the Redcoats to enjoy some quality Lebensraum and gather round the Kamp Kommandants' feuer to sing songs of the VaterPlaneten. I may get to join the Krocodile Youth Klub unless it's been replaced by a more modern "Goat Gang", "Team Tiger" or "Bandicoot Band". I'm looking forward to bingo, the sandcastle contest, beauty pageant, aquapark, ersatz childrens' character parade and the glamorous granny competition.
sitting on footballsCan you guess where it is yet?
 Today was my final Thursday football before the summer hols so we made sure we got there early, and all of a sudden I was friends with Ben and the JoniBobs again. The council funding is drying up so I've only got one term left, then we shall have to find something else to do as a group. Here we are brushing up on our ball-sitting skills: first capture your ball and then subdue it with your bum.
indoor picnic - fish and chips dinnerAs promised we visited the blue fish'n'chip shop with its corpulent staff and ordered - sausages. The original plan was to take our food to the rabbit viewing area but of course, as soon as the football finished, it started raining so all er, hail, Chief Manservant Bud who had my raincoat in his magic flight bag. JoniBobsMum was kind enough to offer her dining table so we all had a massive picnic at their place. In fact I think everyone had sausages apart from Jof as the 1 fishy representative and BensMum who dipped her chips in a cup of tepid curry sauce like the classy bird she is, mmm. It was reminiscent of the chicken curries with those re-inflated giant raisins I remember so well from one of my previous lives as a public schoolboy in the 1970's. We ate well and left the Puddleparents drinking tea in a bombsite of discarded chip wrappers and dead ketchup squeezers. We got all the toys out and did our usual stuff but none of us got naked this time (apart from Ben who was playing exchange-the-sticker with us all whilst seated upon the throne).


  1. Did I imagine you at football max? Did you not take a pic at the Jonibobs?

  2. Hark! I update before your very eyes!


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