Me, star of this blog.
I'd like to thank all those below who have made me possible. I suffer from repetitive brain injury but don't let it get me down. I also have a measured IQ of 125.
There’ve been good times and bad, I’ve been happy and sad
I’ve been normal and mad, au nouveau and trad
I can never be James Bond; I’m a fish in the wrong pond
So it’s getting unlikely that I’ll patch up my psyche
In my second grave I’ll spin, before I balance Yang and Yin
Thank God Jung and Freud are dead; don’t want them inside my head
But to those who’ve known my history, there’s never been a mystery
Bud. Father, author and tickler. Little children laugh and point at him.
Jof. Mother, cuddler and launderer.
Cannot help herself.
She made me laugh for years and years before leaving me on 6th August 2014 when I was 8 1/2 and quite old enough to understand.
Not present due to already being dead: Ted. Londoner, bookkeeper and jazz fan.
Wine is cheap when you're only 13 inches high |
Grandad also shuffled off in pain on 20th May 2020, but not of Covid.
I dug his grave and put him in it myself.
And a special hello back in time to Mungo W. Paumier Born Dublin 1797, for whom I am named.
Here are some others who are important to me: