At the renty house I was given some of my old clothes that nearly fitted and Jof allocated us some tasks. It was difficult putting masking tape on the sockets and light switches but painting was much more fun!
I am a dab hand with the roller and made many demands which might have slowed Jof down a bit but we raced through Bedroom 1 whitening it, all over the filled holes that we did yesterday. Then once we'd come home for lunch, Jof flooded the kitchen.
Late in the day, I did my homework all about my favourite animal, although I don't have one. I decided not to use the Predator even though I've enjoyed both of his films, and chose a chameleon, as it too has camouflage capabilities. I cleverly fooled the spellcheck, scoring zero wiggly red lines. If, for example, I wrote ...
Chameleons are found in all arias of Africa. They can change colour too mach they're surroundings ...
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