We knew there'd be a funfair or similar on the seafront but I just couldn't be bothered so I cycled round and round the park because the pathways are smooth and we saw Schwarzenegger in 'End of Days' which is full of mad priests killing each other. Half-way through, Jof said the cartoon violence is all very well, but what about the rape scene so we switched it off and watched The Pink Panther Strikes Again instead, lots of falling down that made me giggle but films of yesteryear seem so gentle and pedestrian when compared to the action-fests of nowadays. Plus, there was no aggravated rape scene, we'd already seen the ménage a trois but the whole thing was a little difficult to follow with all those rival cults and holy seers and mad prophets.
The day of films did mean I was able to watch hours of Minecraft and I upgraded my Level 3 Lawnmower and I enchanted my Level 2 Toilet Brush and now I can get goblins.
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