Wednesday 6 May 2015


mother despairing of teenage boy masturbating in roomAt last. Ben came round to my house and we linked up on Clash of Clans.
Ben and Erin and James are all Klansmen and they have assorted parents in on it too, so all the way home I quizzed him on what level his cannons were at, how much gold he had, how big his toilet is, all the important questions.
Of course, I've only been on for 2 days so I've got 31 golds and a beginners-level toilet, everyone else has sky-bombers and mystic portals and town halls and I'd never even heard of them. Never mind. I shall improve.
The Galaxy tablet lost its connection to the world last night after yet another power cut so while we waited for it to recognise the universe, we Legoed a bit and met the JBs and Conrad and LittleMax and Owen the Destroyer in the park and we played ball-tag again and lots of little people wanted to join in and asked whose team they could be on, but of course it's every numpty for themselves, nothing for a pair in this game.
school uniform childrenSnacks included the last of the May Fayre sweeties, good to get them out of the cupboard because they just go sticky and horrible, gave us an extra sugar rush.
We had no tantrums or incidents and played for an hour and a half and even got more Klanstime at home afterwards.

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