Sunday 3 April 2011

King of the road

woodland bike path by lake, IBM HQ UKSneezed myself awake at 0936. From the delicacies on offer in the fridge I chose to have pepperoni pizza for breakfast. Much like chilli crisps, it made my mouth get all hot and tickly so I had lots of milk to drown it out - everyone's a winner.
giant skateboard near M275 portsmouthToday we did the bike ride I was supposed to do last week. Jof dropped us off at the old Johnson + Johnson roundabout in Paulsgrove and we nipped straight through an underpass which took us around the lake at the old IBM headquarters.

using the new bonfire for the first timeFrom there we went under the motorway and down the bike path on Stamshaw promenade: past the derelict greyhound stadium (see earlier post on October 10th last year) and down the side of the motorway, across town, through the graveyard, past the prison, over the railway and home. Total distance: 6½ miles. 
In the afternoon Jof had to lie down so we planted all my beans and the lobelias/petunias etc Jof had bought. Then we tested the new bonfire which, true to form, cracked instantly (they all do) but it made short work of the cardboard and some planks from PopsDad so I look forward to a long and profitable relationship with this incarnation of an old friend.
Note to self: buy white spirit. Had to light fire with aftershave. 

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