Thursday 7 April 2011

I'm not the droid you're looking for

Show and tell day: I took the largest of my coin collection. One is a Spinnaker Tower medal.
reading classes outside, tulips out for spring tomato frame netting
As Jof had a day off (spent cleaning the lounge ceiling) she took me to football while Bud planted out all of the sunflowers and all of the pumpkins. This has made the house much clearer of plants. Football was great in the abundant sunshine but not if you run around so much, wearing too much, drinking too little and then taking your suncap off. I sat out the game at the end and had to lie down in a quiet room for a while. Of course, a bath and dinner had me fully recovered from sunstroke in April and bouncing around like a lunatic again. All the solar powered strings of lights are operational again for the imminent PuddleParty.

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