I had been promised a day full of bugger-all with copious amounts of relaxation and some leisurely not-much thrown in, so I was most affronted when Jof said I had to go for a walk, without even any actual reason. We did Prince Albert Park which was full of girls and Bransbury Park, which had hordes of even pinker girls. I can spin myself up and de-spin myself in the Cup of Seasickness. Sometimes it's good just to park for no reason, you're only a kid twice. Jof made me a bacon sandwich, which is in fact cruel and unusual punishment for someone who is not only on a severe diet, but is a lapsed vegetarian (it's always bacon that causes the downfall).
We picked up a Scout codenamed 'Luke' who used to go to my school 3 years ago, it's this sort of thing I shall have to get used to, everyone being 3 years older and 2 feet taller. But as a fellow soldier of the Old Regiment, we got on famously and were delivered to the safe house 4 minutes early, evading the searchlights and armed guards. Our CO was there and we were handed over to the Goons for assessment, delousing and transfer to other prison facilities. I was a little wary, but the team rallied round and you know, this might just work out. I awarded myself an extra hour in bed (ok, in sleeping bag) just because.
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