Once I'd grudgingly got dressed, I spent ages formulating Rules for my room and sellotaping off the banned areas and off-limits toys, I'm quite convinced that all my friends will carefully read these rules, abide by them and be considerate and gentle with my stuff, just like I'm not when I visit their bedrooms.
Do not brake the rools
. No hurting!
. No bracking unless I say!
. No food ore dringk!
(If brocken not aloud in room)
All of this is because we are finally holding our house-warming party. We had a house-cooling party at the old place just before we sold it and we kinda missed the boat with the new place because by the time we'd built it and made it safe for visitors, the summer holidays were in full swing and the whole PuddleGroup were never all in England at the same time. Thus, 4 1/2 months after moving in, we will warm it up.
I arranged food and blew up balloons in advance.
There were arguments.
The kids found that they could have the run of the house (quite large) if they didn't fight, but we still had to be rescued from each other a few times. By 5pm, several of us wanted to go home, or possibly wanted certain others to be taken home. There was a lot of Lego, many dens and even some food.
The ladies discovered the joys of the newly levelled Yard and steel furniture although they all had to wear blankets. Some of us and some adults also shouted abuse at passers-by over the garden wall.
This is a learning curve: all will be improved upon in time. I showered and hit the sack on Sunday. Aha.
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