Now that he has provided us with a rather average 3-bed semi-detached house with carpets and everything, he was determined to show me how the other half live so we made our annual pilgrimage to 3rd World deprived area "Gosport" via bus and ferry.
As soon as you disembark, the first building you meet is the needle exchange, must be some kind of embroidery bring-and-buy facility, sadly I had left my collection of pins at home, could have exchanged them for an ice pick or something. We trawled the numerous charity shops and noted the wide variety of languages spoken by the mad bearded blokes who sit on the benches talking animatedly to their tins of Capybara Wikkid-Strength lager.
We have now bought my school uniform for the new term in 2 days. Shoes, book bag, jumper, I've got them all. Not all of them have the official school crest, but who's counting.
The drilling builder has found several layers of previous flagstones, concretions, cables of unknown origin, and fully expects to find an Indian burial ground or lost tin mine at any point. I think he thought he'd be finished by today.
I was tempted outside by the promise of Lego at the charity shop.
After supper (hoovered that one up), we played a bit more Risk. I get very angry when people ruin my plans by taking Kamchatka etc, haven't quite got the hang of the long game yet. While I showered, Jof ordered a dishwasher online (as you do, in her spare 10 minutes for the day) and then I tried on my new school uniform. I already look good. Now I'm going to look uniformly Regal.....
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