Friday, 25 March 2011

I say tomato and you say tomato

confusing foreign menu, space mountain bacterium
Roll on the weekend! This evening is the school quiz, postponed from when it snowed and everything closed. I'm not sure if I'll know any answers but if I do, the rest of the room will as well because I'm incapable of whispering so will likely shout "Jof!! Jof!! It's rabbits!!" (or whatever) at the top of my voice.
Apparently last year there was tutting when parents opened bottles of wine at the table so this year I'll make a big show of pouring Bud's beer for him. The gin and tonic for Jof could be more difficult - note to self - pre-slice the lime.
gym assembly hall wimborne infant school milton southsea parents evening
We were team 9 (Professor Mungleton) but were up on the board as Prof. Mingleton. The questions were all "Write down as many as you can think of in 3 minutes of this category....." with soft drinks, beers/wines, kids' TV shows, soap characters, US states, Euro countries etc as the categories. After a while Bud opened the beers and I got bored and went to play on the crash mats with all the other short people. In the end we came 6th or so, could have used some extra team players that actually knew something. At one point we tried subversive techniques - we sent in a bogus answer sheet for the winners at the time with hopelessly wrong answers. The scoremistresses laughed a lot but our cheaty ploy for greater personal glory didn't work.
Then it was fish'n'chips from the Chinese and home.

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