But I had no cameraman. Due to idiocy, which I hope does not run in families, Bud read my invite for 1430 today as 1430 tomorrow, so carefully failed to turn up today and missed the epic performance.
In addition, he sulked and blamed me until sight of the original document proved beyond a shadow of the flames of the 10th circle of hell that it was all his fault.
During recent rehearsals, R2D2 (played by the slightly undersized Gene in a wheelie bin) rolled away out of control and fell over which was so funny we kept it in, with C3PO chasing after him.
When he tweetles and beeps, he has to lift his bin-lid and hold up 2 beeping noise generators. Today, his beep-boxes overheated and he had to eject the smoking contraptions, luckily not gassing him in the process.
The girl playing Luke Skywalker (don't ask) had broken her arm yesterday but in true stage tradition, the show went on, she just didn't gesticulate so much. Everything went off fine, but you'll just have to take my word for it due to the missing cameraman/witness.
At home Bud showed me my new yogurt spoons. OK, so they're Victorian silver plated serving spoons for Xmas and other events, so I've got them like Arnold Schwarzenegger in The 6th Day which was a funny film with helicopters and the same bad guy as in 'Ghost'.
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