Shaken awake by Jof at 0930. She was the first to wake up, not normally a problem on a Sunday but today is Boberts' birthday party at Football'R'us at the unreasonable-for-Puddlers hour of 10am.
I willingly went to Sainsburys' because I got the promised trip to Kirby swingpark again where we tried out the uterus-on-a-pole ball game. I'm not very good at throwing the ball accurately but I got the hang of it in the end.
While he ran and she napped, I got to watch the dinosaurs film again. Then, just when I was busy Legoing, he dragged me round to Bens' house only to remove me 5 minutes later, before I'd had a chance to build a really good Lego Hero. I moaned and whinged so much I lost all TV privileges which was a shame as we seemed to have a new TV to watch the England match on, shame we lost. It had been taking up valuable space in Bens' garage so now we have it. Our old one may go to Nanna.
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