Friday 15 June 2012


kid falling down funnyHappy Friday to all. Yes, I know there's a gale outside, the rain's coming in through the roof and the flowers have rotted in the beds. But switch on all the lights, put on a straw hat, have an ice cream and pretend that it's the middle of June.
football fans garlic is not a perfume english hate the frenchYou've gotta laugh. We know that the Olympic torch will be running through our town this time next month. The PuddleDaddies have already discussed going down to the seafront on that evening for the fancy show us taxpayers are putting on. And what letter comes home in my book-bag today?
"Dear Parent, we need 6 pupils to be part of this once-in-a-lifetime event, we'll draw names out of a hat of all kids with 100% attendance." And how many kids have 100% attendance? Chloe and I, who just so happen to be the school councillors.
Poor Erins' first fish "Nemo" has died and been buried in a touching toilet-related ceremony. I'm afraid I laughed when I heard, and she wasn't best pleased. Fortunately, today is Guinea Pig day: she has saved up all her pocket money to buy Winky and Blinky.
In other news, my swimming instructor has (finally) given me the docket that enables me to get the certificate (stage 1) and badge for moving up to Orange Hat. It's just non-stop right now.....England even won at football!

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