But after school I was required to run errands and perform tasks!
So that's why, at the fair 2 Christmases ago, I sold 37 out-of-date car fresheners to unsuspecting 3rd years because that's what Jof had found hiding in the big blue box, and it's better to sell them at 10p each for school funds than to bin them all.
I therefore expect the children of Eritrea or Bangladesh or Romania to suddenly know all about Babar the Elephant and the Wrong Direction Yearbook 2012 and be dressed in hauntingly familiar garb.
Later, I was kindly invited round to a friend's house and it turns out that absolutely everyone in the world is an enemy. Bud suggests I might be the common denominator but I know it's them, they're all out to get me and they do it deliberately. At least Jof was nice.
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