Stopping only to get hugely interesting things like printer cartridges, I sulked my way to the Academy for Girls where I hope to go in Year 7 and only then did I start to talk non-stop about the vegetable patches they have there, how they sold a beetroot for £20 and bought rust remover for the kitchen saucepans with the proceeds, all valuable life lessons. But then we found blackberries by the railway and coins under the see-saw and the man in Tesco fixed my phone and it all got better. I saw 'The Martian' with Matt Damon and then the Minions film with cake and biscuits and chocolate oranges and it's almost as if I'm on holiday. Later, I saw "The Long Kiss Goodnight" (18) and laughed at the exploding bridges but didn't like the water-wheel torture. Didn't stop me having a pillow-fight and getting to bed at 1215, who cares about this midnight thing anyway.
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