Sunday, 17 July 2016

Jabba the Hut

sheet with hole centyral for costumeFollowing my success at the supermarket café last week, I persuaded Jof to come with me this time so we all went shopping. Bud did the actual shopping while we chose bacon and sausages and hash browns and tomatoes and toast and I think we got the better end of the deal.
Back at chez moi, Jof had to make my costume, a task that was thrust upon us at the last minute yesterday when I'd forgotten to mention it to them for the past few weeks. It's not too much, a sheet with a hole in the middle and some slight ruching to the shoulders, much simpler than a wetsuit with the bottom cut out.
And hey presto, in the fabrics box was a Blue Peter, a sheet with a hole in the middle that had been made earlier for a previous costume but was never used as it was far too big. In fact it was still too big but with some strenuous ruching and foxing and badgering, it was almost plausible. She made me a backup in case, because she's like that.
low tide southsea seafront bodyboardingAnd while Bud was delivering the emergency costume, Ben phoned to say come down to Jabba the Hut and let's play in the sea, for it is warm. There is very little that sounds better than an invite like that so Jof got 17 suitcases of water-play kit together and we drove nose-to-tail all the way to the coast like 73,000 others and found them.
Ben has a beach hut (which he named Jabba) which is a very good place to store your body-board and spare trunks and we're all very jealous because you have to be on the waiting list for, like, 5 years. So us chaps went straight in the sea and stayed there for an hour and a half and some brave adults joined us and Pater Over-Familias ran past and waved hotly. Eventually the boys went to play football and I parked it and I did have a very good time and we may very well have future beach dates because temperatures are rising and we've all got holidays coming up. I had tired arms so showered generously and played Naked Minecraft as only a happy ten year-old can.

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