I had a lovely morning. There I was, almost wearing a dressing gown, having been fed marmite on toast when he said better get dressed, Sydney will be round in a minute to go to acting with you. That's when I got the Huff. So I walked as slowly as possible and refused to do my teeth and jumped around in my room naked until she arrived.
Anyway, we laughed our way through acting and we have some lines to learn for next week. Then because of why not, we totally abducted her again and got lunchables at the Co-Op and watched Night at the Museum 7 and then Minecrafted together in blissful stereo until her mum broke it up 5 hours later, I guess it had to happen. Jof was doing a pub quiz with her work-friends so we drove her to Fareham although she couldn't find the right boots or the right jacket or hand cream or glasses or and I just think it's not worth it being an adult. Long may Syd and I be innocent together.
Supper DVD was 'Starship Troopers' because of all the blood and guts, hurrah.
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