I sat in on Bud's eye test to see someone else getting it wrong and the Optician said he used to be in the 8th Scout Group. We walked home because that was the choice - cycle both ways or get dropped off and walk home - and I explained all about the new Minecraft update with exploding swords and the HardCore version where all the mods have double HP and you can't train a dog, well you can, but it dies immediately, which is a waste of skeleton legs.
That took us past the oddly specific road sign that Sydney and I saw yesterday. I don't know why we should be warned about shimmying cars for exactly 1277 yards, it doesn't seem to match up with any sensible distance like 2/3 of a mile or anything.
Anyway, I bought lots of vitamin juices in LIDL and settled down to Minecraft for the rest of the day in one form or other.
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