She has spent her time there in a ward with lots of spare beds, the doctors must be very good at fixing people and getting rid of them: Nanna is OK and doing well at home.
We were on our own for ages but then the local kids saw how much fun the roundabout was and we scared and even entertained some of them with our antics.
The other side of the prison (no longer imprisoning, but a great building that I'd buy if I won the lottery) is Kingston Park which was also soggy. I used to walk there with the Puddlers on nursery days out and it's great for the smaller park investigator.
Home via ASDA for jacket potatoes, my feet felt like exploding gunpowder because the route was 4 1/2 miles not including all the hard work done in 3 parks. And later we strode forth once more and bought Match Attax! cards so I've got something to swap with Ben: 9/20 cards are new to me.
The afternoon was really boring. All my friends were out so I watched Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs, having turned down the opportunity to watch Terminator 2.
Later, I had a Jacket potato (although I refuse to believe it's the normal kind of spud) and we watched T2 and finally I understand where half of my given vocabulary has come from eg 'Hasta la vista, Baybee', 'Come with me if you want to live', 'Knives and stabbing weapons', etc. I absolutely insisted on seeing it all and boy, is it funny with real explosions and massive guns and total death and I suddenly want to watch all of Arnie's movies because they're so much better than the cartoon Hulky-spidery-Thory heroes.
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