The morning foray (I did not feel the need to attend) to the charity shops yielded 4 bags of Lego assortment. One was a girls' bag but who cares if the bricks are pink, I got a Buzz Lightyear, 2 cats, a starfish, some ice cream and a slide. This is why I buy random bags of Lego.
Then Jof took me to town and I trailed around the shops and got new shoes and a Lego Tow-truck and another Zombie.
But the man in charge of the War Memorial on the seafront said he couldn't allow untrained personnel inside the structure (it is a hollow tower - you can see slit windows at intervals up the main shaft, and one of the panels of names of the valiant fallen is a cunningly camouflaged door, the keyhole gives it away) as there's a deep watery sump under the ladder and no permanent lighting.
Jof says he is being reasonable but I object, for has he no idea of the high jinks I've been doing my whole life?
Then again, he's the chap with the key so it's no good crying over locked doors.
Later I built my Lego Tow-truck and sang to it. I also prepared a diorama to show off my winnings. Look at the unusual bits I got today - everyone has an ice cream, there's a fridge, slide, cats, extendable purple sofa, treasure chest with Lego Coins inside. I even found time to play 'fighting maniac' in the park. Jof ran past and I challenged her to a sprint circuit of the swingpark area: I won, although both of us had to puff generously afterwards. Then I helped make cakes, just another rubbish day...
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