Thursday, 3 January 2013

Emesis: the January Defrox

oriental engish funny food failA much better start to the day - Jof is covering a nearer branch today so I got up late and accompanied her in on the bus. Even though the destination is less than a mile away and we had to be there for 10am, we still cut it fine due to slow old people on the bus. I'd specifically requested a later pickup time: this gave me time to:
paper aeroplane made out of card* Go to the adventure playground (couldn't use the sandpit as it was being dug up)
* Make a giant paper aeroplane
* Do a big Lego-building competition where you had to make a house or helicopter or food in 2 mins, I got 10/10 for my chopper but a naughty boy on my team destroyed everything so we lost. And all this with several of my schoolfriends, a couple from gymnastics and a fellow swimmer.
The Puddlers are enjoying a few days of detox after the excesses of the holidays. There'll be a retox soon enough, mark my words.
Today our darling Deutsche Doktor encourages us not to suck our thumbs, for nobody likes a clever little sucker, especially one with a lisp.
struwwelpeterOn the other hand, mothers of even the youngest children can now feel free to advance directly to Granny Uniform, do not pass comfortable slacks.

I reckon this guy just needs something else to do with his hands.

Lego, anyone?

ctutting thumbs off thumbsucker
If 19th Century Germany was a place where roving tailors with giant scissors could gain access to private residences and mutilate children at will, I suggest we all avoid it on our next trips back in time.

Sucking my thumb is something I've never done.

Plus, I've stolen every pair of scissors in the house anyway, so I feel safe about not knowing why I'm safe. Er.

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