Sunday, 27 January 2013

Controlled by a platypus

A day of, well not boredom, so much as unimpressiveness.
I got up at 9, but that still meant 10 hours in bed.
We went shopping and lost each other in the supermarket many times.
I have bright orange new shoes. Bright orange is my favourite colour.
The charity shop was closed so we couldn't buy a new wardrobe.
This is getting in the way of me being able to burn the 2 old wardrobes.
We added spikes and lights to the giant Lego building. Soon it will be heavier than me.
He ran, we watched the FA cup match and then they painted while I played computer games.
Poppy was out again. She's always out.
Jof says that bath fizzer night is all very well but it stains the bath purple and she has to clean it. *The fizzer this time was indeed purple, but there was also some kind of blue sausage. There would have been a picture, but by the time the camera appeared, I'd inadvertently hooked out the plug chain with an overenthusiastic leg. However, whatever the colour, there's always a tidemark to clean off afterwards.
I guess even Mungletons have to have a day off sometimes, I can't keep up my usual blistering pace all day every day.

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