Bath fizzer night was a quiet affair. I used only 7 different fizzers to make my bath purplish. My potion was: AntiRobot KillMixture: Blackberry and apple pie with secret ingredients: eyeballs, ground glass, skin, pot of poison, seaweed marinated in seawater, carrots, swimming trunks, pot of fire and 200 lids of water. I stated clearly and without encouragement that I was a double agent pretending to be on their side but secretly working against them. I'd have a promising future career in spook-ism if only I hadn't told him. Then we pinged ping-pong balls at each other to the tune of the Magnificent 7 until bedtime (I got him on the nose and in the left eye, lucky he was wearing safety specs).
Your real online soap opera with real people in real places doing real things - except one's an alien, facing the challenges of growing up on an unfamiliar planet
Saturday, 19 November 2011
This blog uses a minimum of 60% recycled words
Up at the crack of 10am as is usual for a weekend but launched straight into "Doo-doo-doo" which is my favourite song when in a hurry. While parking near the gym at Millie'n'Ruby's school, we saw a house where the people had piled up all their dead bottles and cans in the window. One of the cans was called 'Crunk Juce'. Note to self: buy some for the next PuddleParty. I assume it makes your mouth go crunk when you drink it, could be funny.
After lunch we all did the bottlebank/Tunnel park circuit: I bought a 9th-hand truck from the charity shop for 20p and we met Baby Edward taking his parents for a walk and also Charlie and Lola (Poppy's friends, not some TV cartoon characters brought to life in some kind of bizarre Red Dwarf-style transporter error). But then Jof accompanied me to the public toilets. When lifting me up to get to the all-in-one handwash station, I jumped up just when she was bending down and headbutted her in the jaw. She bit a big chunk out of her tongue and made a lot of angry yet burbly noises as she used her own blood to colour a hanky completely red. I drove my truck around the railway track while she healed.
Then he went for a run while we visited Baffins to look in the fancy dress shops. Jof bought a long blonde wig so that people would think she's clever: I guess her own hair just isn't long enough. I salivated merrily over the many costume possibilities and ended up with a red Indian suit with real authentic bow and arrow. OK, so they're not red and they're not Indian, so I suppose it's a generic standardised patronising ersatz native American costume. But I'm calling it red Indian.
Bath fizzer night was a quiet affair. I used only 7 different fizzers to make my bath purplish. My potion was: AntiRobot KillMixture: Blackberry and apple pie with secret ingredients: eyeballs, ground glass, skin, pot of poison, seaweed marinated in seawater, carrots, swimming trunks, pot of fire and 200 lids of water. I stated clearly and without encouragement that I was a double agent pretending to be on their side but secretly working against them. I'd have a promising future career in spook-ism if only I hadn't told him. Then we pinged ping-pong balls at each other to the tune of the Magnificent 7 until bedtime (I got him on the nose and in the left eye, lucky he was wearing safety specs).
Bath fizzer night was a quiet affair. I used only 7 different fizzers to make my bath purplish. My potion was: AntiRobot KillMixture: Blackberry and apple pie with secret ingredients: eyeballs, ground glass, skin, pot of poison, seaweed marinated in seawater, carrots, swimming trunks, pot of fire and 200 lids of water. I stated clearly and without encouragement that I was a double agent pretending to be on their side but secretly working against them. I'd have a promising future career in spook-ism if only I hadn't told him. Then we pinged ping-pong balls at each other to the tune of the Magnificent 7 until bedtime (I got him on the nose and in the left eye, lucky he was wearing safety specs).
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