It was also Pudsey day so we all wore spots and stripes and clubbed together to raise over £200 for needy children. Erin had a painted face as well and ErinsDad says she's going to have a haircut just like mine so you can see more of it. I made a Pudsey mask to hide my face but my head is so big the string doesn't reach.
Then they saw I'd got 2/6 on the weekly spelling test and the atmosphere changed, not due to my noxious bottie this time. The days of only 1 sentence a week may be over.
Big family news is that Grandad (82) is going to join the online community by buying a laptop. In my most recent incarnation, I remember he had his own pet chattering telex machine in his office in a telephone exchange near Dubai. Thus he shall make the transition from telex to Wi-Fi in only one move, albeit over 30 years.
After showertime I did more Pooh-bear Super-Mario game and finally hit the sack at 1015. So, who shall train Grandad?
I'm too busy to be narcoleptic.
I'm too busy to be narcoleptic.
This narcolepsy posting, completely useful..