When we got to the pub we found the new landlord had installed a bouncy castle. Being new to this (as if) we approached with caution but were soon well stuck in.
It wasn't as erect as it could have been due to a dodgy intake valve but once JoniBobsDad had worked out what was wrong, the PuddleParents took it in turns to fix it and we all had a rip-roaring time, rips in the intake pump and roaring when one kid landed on another. Over the period we pretty well all had a cry/whinge/bleat but then that's par for the course. At least 2 of us got twisted ankles, there were knee-to-head impacts, all the usual stuff. Not only did Harrison (current Puddler) arrive but also Zak and Zena (ex-Puddlers) came and played, I did wrestling with Zak.
After the Red football team had beaten the London football team 8-2 (which made JoniBobsDad very happy) we went home with promises of extra tunnels when Ben comes to stay with us next week. Bath fizzer night was held over from yesterday so I had the expensive purple M+S one (from the charity shop) and a random yellow star (which made the bath a suspicious brown) and did sea trials on my wonderful lego police launch which is good enough to float! It also has dive operatives and a removable jetski. How cool is that? Bedtime approx 11 something.
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