This toffee-flavoured Swedish string is called GODIS GULA SNÖREN and we both like it.
After some telly we went through swingpark (quick swing there) to the bus stop and that got us to the gymnastic centre 20 minutes early. The bus driver had to tell us off for swapping seats every 2 minutes, even though we were the only people on the bus. We were the first there so opened each locker in turn and shouted out the contents: winner was nothing, closely followed by 1 empty crisp packet.
There were only a dozen or so of us so we did the trampolining and stuff but then spent most of the time making dens under the walkway in the foam pit. Afterwards we did some more swinging in the park by the Mountbatten centre (all 3 of us got topless pretty quickly) and caught two buses to the next destination: lunch. We chose a table and had horse's willy and chips, I think between us we only left about 4 chips so a good munch there. Then we confused the Photo-me booth so much it had an electrical breakdown and the poor chap that actually wanted to use it after us may have not been in luck today.
Ben invented the 2nd cataract and I added a tributary but then some other kids got wise to bucket protocols and our water supply dried up. At one point Bud bought us an ice lolly thing that was a foot long, and tempted us out of the pit - he nearly got us onto the walkway in the sky - but then Ben needed the toilet again and the spell was broken, the magic was gone and we got straight back into the sandpit again. Still, the sticky lolly thing was only 10p so we'll have them again.
I have caught the sun. I have a pink back from solar radiation and a pink bum from sand chafing. Ben is also pink but that is a lifestyle choice and I respect that.
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