Now: bowling at Gunwharf.
Bud had beer (fathers' day privilege) and we arrived at our allocated bowling lane. The control panel where you enter players' names etc accepted about 3 keystrokes before detaching from the main housing and falling to the floor, dangerously exposing live wires. We moved to the end lane and played. The lane had obviously experienced recent subsidence, the balls kept wandering to the sides but luckily the barriers were set to "always on" so not so bad. Jof says the place is on its' last legs, silly old moo, it's a building, it doesn't have legs.
Holy Mother Jof: 102 points.
Pater Familias Bud: 103 points.
From there we wandered via an anti-submarine howitzer, a cannon, 2 sea mines and a torpedo to "Strada" an Italian restaurant where I had a massive pizza al fresco and didn't like the breadsticks dipped in olive oil/balsamic acid vinegar. Due to the keen wind and setting sun we moved inside for the ice cream (Alert: kids meal with drink and ice cream = £5.75, most reasonable if you have kids although the adult meals and beers are much pricier).
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