Pause for thought - over the next 3 weeks I have 5 birthday parties (including my own) in adventure playground-type places. Will I be happy to sit there watching everyone else climbing and sliding or will I just go mad and enter a downward spiral of sherbet and fizzy pop?
When Bud got home I cheered up for he is mad/doesn't know the difference. Today I have worn a groove in the sofa opposite the TV so Bud said let's go throw rocks in the sea. Jof countered with let's go insert millions of 2p coins in the moving staircase coin pusher machines on the pier. Both of these were splendid ideas so after showing off my war wounds to 3 girlies at Pop's house I climbed into my booster seat on my own and we were off.
Recklessly, Bud put £3 worth of 10ps into the coat pocket that I could reach instead of the safer left one and I proceeded to win lots on the pyramid pinger game and also on the stripey rolling game.
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