Tuesday 25 January 2011

The curious incident of the boy in the night time

boy caught on fence wedgieSpoke in tongues in the middle of the night. I think it's further evidence that I may be a great prophet but Bud says it's because I had my plaster cast lying across my face.
Upon returning home I was all ready to continue my book which is now my writing challenge against Ben. Bud did do 1 pair of inverted commas to show me what they look like but has steadfastly done nothing else. I had done 1 1/2 lines to reach the bottom of the page when I decided using my long pencil with the bits of coloured wood on strings as a drumstick would be better than writing with it. This got me 3 warnings from Bud that he would cut them off but I pretended not to hear him because I was doing drum riffs. Then out of nowhere with no warning he got some scissors and mutilated my pencil. I can therefore no longer write and will wait here, sulking tearily under the table until Jof gets home off the late shift.
Some time later, when all the laundry/washing up/lunchmaking etc had been done, I emerged and restarted. I confidently predict I'll have a draft manuscript ready for editorial review within the week.
At bedtime I impersonated so many dancing dinosaurs I made myself sick.

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