A cold but sunny day. After the bottlebank walk we had a quick go in tunnel park, meeting 3 schoolfriends along the way. Then we hopped on a bus and went to see Jof at work. 3 charity shops later, we loaded up on bath fizzers and the bank manager let us back inside to warm up after hours, but I couldn't go in the safe.
As it was still early, I got a tuna/mayo sandwich from Sainsburys' and we walked to the seafront. It was eerily calm, no waves at all. The battlements by King Henry the 8ths' castle have many benches and these are the best places to eat, whatever time of year it is: you get a splendid view of Vectis and the solent. After that, we nipped down to the shore to find some number rocks to take home.

earlier post for detailed explanation and pictures, and
later post for my new plans for them) We got two of the stones with serial numbers in so were about to leave with mission completed when I found a small rock displayed in a prominent position. On it was painted in little black capital letters: "This stone has a familiar ring about it". Goodness me, I thought, someone's got too much time on their hands. But it was harmless and quite groovy really so we left it unmolested in sweet repose for the next passer-by to remark upon.

Just up the beach, by the ice cream booth in front of the pyramids, there was another one. "This stone is aloof and engaging", it said. Clearly this was no random act of hatstandiformity, this was a deliberate and well-planned campaign of confusion.

Whoever the perpetrator is, he has a statement to make, but his medium is stoneware, instead of a blog, sandwich boards or full-page adverts in the Times. Even further along towards South Parade Pier, the flagpole support bracket held another stone with its own bold and profound statement ("This stone is taut and tame"), as did a square menhir on a little cement outcrop off the main corniche path ("This stone creeps naked across an orange room"). We salute thee, O unknown Rock Painter. Will we ever know thy name? Or thy Purpose? Over what distance have you scattered your manifold offerings? Will there be a great televised denouement where a grateful population rejoices at the great works thou hast wrought, and the pebbly honours ye have bestowed upon us? Doth it relate to ley lines, aliens, crystal vibrations or just a bit of fun? Is this a franchise operation and are you one of an army of aboriginal rock artists working patches from Exeter to Skegness? Do you claim ancestry from the cave artists of Lascaux?
I have found the answer. It is a bloke called Dave and his pictures and story are HERE.
Bath fizzer night was epic as ever, we played PingPong and air guitar again to the strains of "Appetite for destruction" by Guns'n'Roses to mark Axl Rose's 50th birthday.
I am truly honoured sir! What a splendid description indeed. The last paragraph painted a smile a mile wide across my visage. I am intrigued as to how easily you found me. I've been scribbling on the stones for a while and publishing photos, but I don't make any direct reference on the stones themselves, so finding me must take some effort! Props for your detective work then and thank you ever so much for this outstanding review. I will be sharing this around the place if you don't mind!
ReplyDeleteThere is just one more thing, this coming Friday 10th Feb, on BBC2's 'Culture Show' there will be a feature on the Free Art Movement and Free Art Friday. The programme features an interview with the erstwhile Southsea lad, MyDogSighs and shows some of my other street art. Well worth a look!
Kind regards, Los Dave.
It's usually me who stands behind you at tesco - either I AM LOS DAVE or IT WAS THAT MAN IN BETWEEN US!