Awoke well rested from a decent sleep, putting yesterday behind me. So I gradually got ready for yet another busy day and prepared by watching Youtube and building castles in the sky. Well, on Minecraft. Then we got to the theatre early and picked Sydney up, once she'd finished teaching a co-worker the new dance moves. We had one hour only before the afternoon rehearsals so we walked to the Ship and Castle pub for lunch.
Sydney has only been to one carvery before and that was with me on the Gosport bike ride: every day is a learning curve with us. We all chose the carvery which is easy because you don't have to wait: the nice chef man serves you and you get to go back for more vegetables as many times as you like.
So there we were, munching away on gammon steak and turkey and beef and Yorkshire pudding and stuffing and roast potatoes and peas and carrots and parsnips and gravy and mint sauce and then a certain one of us just happened to drop into conversation that a man was convicted of public order offences having been caught having sex with 450 tractors. Sydney absolutely lost it and went very very pink and couldn't stop laughing for 10 minutes, made more problematic because she had a mouthful of turkey at the time.
We emerged blinking into the sunshine and climbed some of the truly giant anchors that litter the pavement outside Her Majesty's Royal Historic Dockyard (main gate built 1771) and went into the little Co-Op and bought £10.70 worth of sweeties for later, so we didn't run out of energy and go hypoglycaemic and weepy just before the main performance tonight. We got back to the theatre dead on time with bellies full of hot food, as it should be.
We did a full rehearsal and another one and had a pigathon break in which we (with our large bag of Co-Op sweeties) suddenly made a lot of friends and then we got into our costumes and waited. The show started with a locally filmed piece in which 2 baffling Barbadian ladies spoke a lot of poetic words about the sea in an incomprehensible Creole accent. Like King Willy in Predator 2, we knew where they were, but not why they were. The Elder Statesmen did an opening stanza from Under Milk Wood and the Hi-Fi speakers on stage right kept broadcasting surf noises throughout the entire performance, covering up the missed lines and the quieter performers, adding yet another hallucinogenic dimension to an already confusing performance.
Sadly, in a shock plot twist, the Titanic sank and the dying passengers (with or without parasols) were unfairly chased offstage by a phalanx of Sword-Wielding Pirates of Varying Ages (to the theme tune from Pirates of the Caribbean) who gurned and growled and leapt around in a dazzling display of Piratechnics. Aha. Finally 5 elderly and ghostly seamonsters in green and purple veils (no paper plates this time) harassed a blind retired sea captain with visions of deceased shipmates past, and it was all over. We took a bow centre stage to rapturous applause and were triumphantly out of the theatre for 9pm. I had hot feet and demanded hugs and lasagne.
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