Jof's work has this thing called Cricket Force where you do 3 hours of voluntary community service helping out a cricket club of your choice. 2 years ago, we painted Fareham Cricket Club's pavilion which was an oddly satisfying job. There were free T-shirts.
Last year we destroyed obsolete bits of Portsmouth Cricket Club's building and also repaired the practise nets and the rain covers. And of course you can cycle to that one, extra brownie points there. This year it was back to Portsmouth CC so we got the bikes out and left at 10am - frighteningly early for a Sunday - and met up with some almost familiar faces from previous events, well they certainly knew me.
Over by the 10th Hole Tea Rooms, the boundary rope hides a long flowerbed of Rosemary, Cherry blossom and brambles. While it is no doubt good to eat free blackberries while retrieving the ball after the batsman has scored a 4, it does rather shred your skin. So we chose to destroy all blackberry bushes to save the epidermis of the nation.
Later, Jof went back to bed so I got undisturbed Minecraft time, ho ho. Also later, the Air Ambulance helicopter landed right in front of the pavilion.
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