I was up first. Not by much, but then I'm only a trainee teenager. Today is the middle day of the bank holiday weekend and as such, was full of rain and wind.
Your real online soap opera with real people in real places doing real things - except one's an alien, facing the challenges of growing up on an unfamiliar planet
Sunday, 30 April 2017
Griefing, and Being Unfayre
Saturday, 29 April 2017
Escape Plan
Yesterday I brought home dreadfully important missives about sex education and the uniform list for my new school. This brings home the reality of change, it's no longer just something that will happen in the misty future. So I agreed to walk the route to see how long the daily commute will take: I predicted 30 minutes and Bud predicted 12.
Now, you can't just do one journey for one thing, you have to make a circuit that completes several tasks. My favourite action hero is of course The Right Reverend Arnoldius Schwarzenegger and I intend to have a wake for him the day he finally benches his last press.
So I was just scrolling through 'Best Arnie Movies' etc on Youtube when 'Escape Plan' came up, also starring another favourite, Sly Stallone. So we visited 3 charity shops to try and find it. It was supposed to be 5, but due to advanced urban decay, even the charity shops are closing: Age Concern and Barnardo's are no more.
Film night (after Minecraft afternoon - Minecrafternoon) was Conan the Barbarian (1982) with decent music and an early appearance by Sven, Killians' bodyguard from the Running Man and Voice of Darth Vader. When James Earl Jones and Madge Sinclair played King and Queen Jaffe Joffe in 'Coming to America', who knew they'd be back together playing Mufasa + Wife in The Lion King. Time to walk to school: 15 1/2 minutes.
After her 3-hour haircut, Jof made the effort to make supper in plant pots and tin mugs and the bottom-batting boards straight out of 'Animal House', and it was lovely. Please sir, can I have another?
Friday, 28 April 2017
OK, so it was a PE lesson so we still had to learn, rather than just run around and tread in dog poo and climb trees and play manhunt in the desolate wastelands of the municipal recreation ground and write rude words on peoples' gates and yeah whatever.
And I took the Mother-Of-All-Handouts home which included the Notice-Of-Sex-Education and the uniform list for my secondary school, so quite large stuff actually, talk about pressure when you're only 11. Mostly I was intent on collecting my Daily Prize on the Minecraft Server but made time to meet a new chocolate bar Bud brought home from a [nice Iranian man who owns a late-night Kebab Shop] at his work.
This chocolate item is called Choco & Latte (Soffice merenda farcita al latte e con gocce di cioccolato extra) and is lovingly contained in a brown plastic wrapping like all the best surprises in the world. But as a Neophobe, I fear new items and tried it sparingly. Turned out, it was basically Swiss Roll, just unrolled and presented in flat rectangular format (as if legitimate businessmen had bribed the council to look the other way when they employed cheap foreign labour and stole all the cement) with 2 sturdy chocolate foamy sponge cake outer boundaries and a soft internal creamy lipid bilayer, rather good in fact. But Ye shall know it from its Italian makers - Balconi. Luckily it was balcony-shaped.
Thursday, 27 April 2017
Misappropriation of Pig Eggs
But afterwards I was on this Minecraft server, right, and I opened some of the chests provided for people to store their winnings, and some weren't empty. Or locked.
So I acquired 2 chest-fuls of assorted goodies for no outlay apart from some effort. And like a true Pikey, anonymously auctioned off the Pig Egg-Spawners which you need to build a Pig Farm and fraudulently obtained about 13 grand from my nefarious activities, hooray.
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Pif and The Blob

And we discussed the pronunciation and meanings of the Swahili names in the Lion King as part of our African project. But my pick of the days' events was the re-ordering of our ICT, PE and French classes into P.I.F. May not seem much to you, but having French at the end made all the difference. All I need now is for French to be annexed by German, or similar.
And Grandad phoned to discuss the results of his graph-based homework. Even over the phone, he soon spotted that I'd misunderstood the equation and plotted an incorrect graph. I did it again. Talk about learning to read the question ...
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Non-Linear Relationships

Last time Grandad and I met, he taught me more about graphs and had me work out a matrix of Y values where Y = 2X + 1. Then I plotted the co-ordinates on graph paper and Lo, the relationship was linear. And I learned about axes, quadrants and the origin. Not my origin, that's biology.
Today I did my G-Dad homework which was of course to fill the matrix (not Schwarzenegger in Commando this time) for the equation Y = 4 - X and plot the graph. It was also linear but crossed the axes in different places and strode off to +/- infinity at a different angle. Jof didn't know what he was on about, but I worked it out anyway.
Monday, 24 April 2017

And we got forewarning of a topic project - The Lion King. I have, of course, met the Lion King before, both on screen and onstage.
So I was very happy right up until I discovered that my doorkey was missing. No, I didn't check my bag this morning, not my job.
Yes, it does look like the swan is sitting on a bench.
And then Bud picked me up and had found the keys in Jof's second handbag and all was forgiven and I went to Scouts. We played shooting-each-other-with-lava-balls and 2 Chief Scout Gold Award badges (the one I want) were handed out. I got the Scouts Entertainer badge for doing the 50 hours or so it took to complete the Wind in the Willows.
Sunday, 23 April 2017
Cube Luck
So today I started a proper last-day-off with 11 hours of sleep, and a full English breakfast at the supermarket café with Jof. OK, so I don't like baked beans but you can swap for an extra hash brown if you ask nicely. And while Jof was doing complicated extra shopping after the main shopping event had finished, I got myself a genuine Mojang Minecraft Mystery Cube (£4). I love a bit of Minecraft merchandise and know in my heart that geeks the world over buy up all of this stuff and sell completed collections for oodles of cash. Personally, I wanted the Villager With Anvil figurine (who wouldn't?) but got the Pyramid of 3 Lava Blocks. Or are they Magma. Look how big it is, nearly as big as me. Not bad for £4, in my mind.
Saturday, 22 April 2017
Last Night at the Toads
The nice booking office lady said I was the best Portly Otter and certainly the best behaved. I was chosen to hold the begging-bucket on the staircase and also hand out leaflets.
Last night Child B was locked in his dressing room for running around the building but I was always good. The last performance is tonight but I signed off Red Groups' daytime show with a flourish and the audience was in rows, not on round tables like on previous events. This made photography even more challenging.
So, I left the theatre for the last time this term with face paint still applied, and a whole production under my belt. This comprised at least 30 hours' rehearsals and 7 performances on top of the auditions, so a good 50 hours the lot. And afterwards I said I wanted to be in the christmas Panto which is Aladdin.
Portsmouth Footing-ball club went up to the next division last week so the roads home were filled with blue people waving flags and the pub garden was full of Pompey fans singing the special songs which were we are going up hroogh hroogh and 'Gold' by Spandau Ballet for some reason. It made parking difficult so I walked the last 600 yards home brightening everyone's day by still being in baby otter stage make-up.
When we tried to buy a flag for the garage pub, they'd run out. Saturday-night-is-film-night, so my choice was 'Twins' in which Arnie still flexes while trying to act emotional with the help of Kuato (Total Recall) and Cousin Sam Klane (Killian's bodyguard in Running Man). As I went to bed, Pompey fans various were still singing the special songs from the nearby pub garden.
Friday, 21 April 2017
Invasion of the Killer Jellyfish
Friday, woohoo. If it wasn't for my generosity in offering to replace the absent 'Riley' for tonight's dazzling production of 'Wind in the Willows', I'd have had an empty day. Well, as you may know, I'm not allowed any empty days because I only fill them up with Minecraft.
So I crafted awhile as housework went on around me until noon when he said off we go then. Normally I cannot stand secrets and demand to know everything even if it ruins the surprise, but this time we'd practically reached the Gosport Ferry terminal before I realised that we weren't going to the local park.
Just over the promenade from there we met some listless teenagers and Bastion #1. This old disused fort is overgrown and covered with trees and its tunnels are pretty small and mostly blocked off. But we climbed it and met some Scouts camping at the top, with decent tents and a fire.
Just the other side is Cockle Pond (part of Walpole Park) which was experiencing heavy yacht use: some old geezers were having a toy yacht race - although these toys were about 5 feet tall and very techy and advanced.
Now I may not have travelled the world and met interesting creatures and killed them, but I know a jellyfish when I see one, even though I've only ever seen them on TV. And there seemed to be several in this isolated lake with only yachts and swans for company.
So we just had to visit the café (because one must) where I had a fortifying slice of 'Fridge Lumpy Bumpy Cake' and then we went hunting. Over the other side of the lake we found a veritable swarm, nay, a cloud of throbbing jellied invaders. We surmise that a few jellyfish larvae entered the pond by way of the overflow pipe which is open to the sea at high tide, and survived the winter in the protective environment, and started breeding.
Now, they have bred quite a lot and there are millions of them, although they must be quite inbred, which is normal for Gosport. At first, I was afeared of the globular alien entities, because they are known to haunt the tropical seas and kill sharks and humans with their stinging tentacles. Hmmm. Singing tentacles. That gives me a fancy-dress idea.
No jellyfish were harmed in the making of this afternoon's entertainment, but I insist that it was a bizarre experience, especially when Bud was trying to take a picture and I put a jellyfish on his head. Then I did it again, for I am not a messiah, I am a very naughty boy. Sometimes we go searching for Bizarre, sometimes Bizarre-osity finds us. Apparently, jellyfish are pointless and devoid of nutritional value and have infinite lifespans, ie they don't die unless they're killed, either by being chomped up in a ship's propellers or air-drowned when they wash up onto a beach, for they are even more stupid than me. And all the way home I loudly called him Slime-Scalp and Jelly-Head, for I am a lovable and loving #1 son that is hardly going to get spanked to kingdom come at all.
This, and Minecraft, gave me the strength to play Portly, the Youngest Otter for the second last time, and a welcome chance to act onstage with Sydney for the only time in this run of performances. I stood near her for many scenes and we exchanged smiles. At the end, I got my own bow.
So, nobody will remember, but there was a competition to draw a design for Toad's car. He is the star of the show and as a convicted neophile, obsessively desires anything new and interesting. I came second in the competition and won a chunky design notepad with added Packet'o'30 coloured pencils!
My car 'Toadiacar' has a cowcatcher and rear spoiler.
And because this is a smaller, local theatre, it needs to post cute kids at the door with collecting buckets for the theatre restoration fund (entirely unlike churches, the biggest landowners in the country), we had an unofficial competition between blue, purple, red, green and yellow groups, and Blue won! As I am a Red, but subbing for Blue because of covering for Riley, I got an extra bag of sweets. And tonight's performance had the biggest audience yet, over 100, so the lucky viewers could hardly move without infringing on somebody's personal space. All in all, a compete victory! The clapping went on long after we had left the building. Life: I recommend it.
Thursday, 20 April 2017
Hide'n'seek in the Urination Rooms
They had recently explored one of the old forts which now houses the miniature village and rose garden, and I got to join in. We batted croquet balls at each other with giant wooden mallets where the heads kept falling off, and I got a flying croquet ball right in the leg. We explored thoroughly and hardly met anyone else apart from some teenagers rolling their own cigarettes and we discovered many hidden crannies, nooks, dens, bases and hidey-holes where you could quite easily have a wee and nobody would know, so we called them P-rooms and Urination Rooms.
I went home after 5 hours because my cheeks were pink and my hands were scratched and my Youtubers were lonely. Later I performed again onstage. The audience was tiny, and they were mostly parents. But I've only got 2 performances left, and one of them's with Syd, and the other is the Last Night, always well attended.
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
Flagpoling and Crabpoling

Because they use the church hall all the time for old people and brats alike, it had to be hidden in a corner behind the wheelchairs and trestle tables. All we have to do now is sort out a buffer to stop over-eager Scouts slamming it back against the radiator pipes or taking out the overhead lamps. Even I can move it on my own because it has wheels.
And we were just doing the installation while arranging a playdate with Ben, when Sydney rang in and said come crab-hunting with me, for they hadn't had much luck at Canoe Lake and Langstone is much better. I have been crabbing at Langstone twice: once we could pull crabs out of the water with our fingers, the other time I borrowed a reel of baited string off an unknown fellow bystander, threw it in without remembering to hang on to the actual reel, and lost it (beating a hasty and embarrassed retreat).
This real-human contact proved of more interest than yet more Minecraft Youtube videos and I got a better coat and went.
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
Planes, Trains and Watermobiles
Amazingly the motorway was empty and we got there in only 34 minutes. But this was still sufficient for me to write a report on the Scout Camp to enter into the get-published-in-the-district-magazine competition. I can't quite write as quickly as the torrent of ideas provided by my fellow passengers but got most of it down.
But it was clearly market day (with added bunting and old people) in the buzzing metropolis and traffic wardens were patrolling the Waitrose car park so Bud hid the car miles away and we met up at the ferry. The Hythe ferry is very proud of its historical origins and longest pier with the oldest continuously running electric train and you can sponsor a deckboard on the pier and have your name carved into it.
Various container ships (such as Wallenius Wilhelmsen and CMA CGM and Hoegh Autoliners) wandered past and they are all curiously square and tall. The journey is only 15 minutes or so but we saw lots of big ships and ferries and planes flying over from Majorca and Jersey.
From there we strolled past the 15th century old god tower (now Maritime Museum) and many splendid edifices and vast impressive monuments to the former wealth and importance of this port town. But an awful lot of it is now labelled 'For Sale' or 'No Entry' or '270 prime waterside flats coming soon'.
And there was a single-track railway with derelict sidings that crossed the road on its way into the port, not sure if it's still used but the tops of the rails were still shiny. We got to the Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis (with dental practice upstairs) which is a Wetherspoons. I get on well with Wetherspoons because I like the food and they're usually in nice big buildings in the middle of town.
From there it is only a hundred yards to Ocean Village which is like Gunwharf Quays but with more sleek expensive yachts and motor boats so we stood there choosing which ones we wanted.
This purpose-built warehouse space has a special nook where the tailplane of the biggest plane can fit and there are planes and helicopters of all sizes hanging from the rafters and filling up the view with rotors and propellers and engines and wings and wing-floats and it's all rather fun. None of us knew it was here.
The nice man at the desk gave me the young persons' quiz and promised me a prize if I got 10/10 and you had to look for the caricature faces and note down the names of the planes or their engines depending.
This may not be Jof's thing but she climbed into 'Beachcomber' the flying boat like the rest of us and sat in the seats and it was built in 1947 with guns but then converted into a passenger plane when we ran out of wars. There is a 3.7" anti-aircraft gun and loads of planes and models and medals and a whole section upstairs for the Police and fire brigades and jets and hang-gliders and quite a few things with sticky-tape on saying don't touch, it's broken, and some transmitters*.
And they've got maps of where all the German bombs fell and maps the Germans used when they planned the invasion and photos of buildings before and after air raids. And they have a Guinness Book of World Records certificate signed by Norris McWhirter himself about Squadron Commander Rose who flew 54 different types of military aircraft for 11,539 hours over 47 years without a break in service.
At the end I got 10/10 so won a small balsa wood model that was on sale in the shop for 50p and so I got a Concorde model as well and gave them some coins because it was only £17 for all of us and it was all rather good and most worthy.
The ferry back to Hythe seemed quicker but our legs were getting tired so we got on the train back along the pier and it was rattly and trundly and funny. Hythe was still having market day so we bought 2 identical man-bags for the adults who have very definite ideas about what bag you need and ice creams too.
At Grandad's place he taught me about graphs and gave us chocolate and lo, it was a good day.
* Back in 1950 something, Grandad worked for the Post Office Telephones and came top of the whole country at their exam. So he was the youngest senior engineer until he did his National Service teaching people about electronics in the RAF and met transmitters and satellite systems and stuff, and they were so interesting he left the Post Office and went to Africa to run phone networks for warmer countries instead.
Monday, 17 April 2017
Bouncing Back to Bikini-Busting Corner

This is why ladies' lives are so complicated, better them than us, for we don't have the brain-power.
And she had to revise for her job interview and so politely asked us to be quiet, and the only way to do that is if we are outside the house, perhaps at the cinema. I chose the Pyramids swimming complex and we got there for 230.
Then we got 2 and a half hours of wet play. First, there was aqueous battling and watery fighting. I lost the aqua-flume (waterslide) race because I have inherited a curious inability to slide downhill at speed in a lubricated plastic tunnel. I mean seriously, I get stuck.
And then I met Green Charlie. He is in Blue Group at the theatre and when I was watching Blue Sydney's performance I said hello to him but it was his identical non-acting older brother who was not green or blue, but addicted to online gaming and had been forced out of the house to get him off the PS2. Follow? We did extensive water-karate at each other.
And we ganged up on a certain common foe and fought over floats and had 2 standard wave alerts and right at the end, it was Super-Duper Wave Alert. We don't get this very often. Standard wave alert gets a siren sound and that tells you that the wave machine will provide gentle waves for junior swimmers for 3 minutes and you can see bright-eyed babies going woo for the period of that restrained wave action, then you all run to the waterslide queue because it will be shorter.
Super-Duper Wave Alert gets a loud Pang-Pang siren and 30 minutes of slanted waves of significantly greater amplitude. The entire massed ranks of lifeguards gathers poolside with whistles in mouth and all smaller people are told to vacate the Kill-Zone and it begins.
Received knowledge is that the hand-rail visible below that central white column is the place to hang on if you are a girl, and the dark corner under where the blue waterslide finishes is the place to stand if you are a teenager showing off. That is where the waves gather in a tidal bore of fury and you can jump several feet off the ground, get seriously pummelled by Tsunamis of Terror for 30 minutes, and are well-known for blowing the bikini tops off more generously proportioned teen lady-swimmers. I jumped with the rest but was forced out by teenagers 2 feet taller than me and by the time it was all-out-of-the-pool time I had been battered, bounced and blended like Jell-O by Scylla (and Charybdis), hence my world-weary expression and thousand-yard stare in this image taken after the event. You know when you've been bounced.
At home I had a 2 hour Minecraft + Skype meeting with Blue Sydney, who was much kinder than the waves.
Sunday, 16 April 2017
A Nice Walk Ruined
Staggered down naked at 10 something, because, holidays. After a decent fry-up with black pudding and everything, I was just settling down to another day of Minecraft when I had to go out.
I put a brave face on these things because I know I can return to the World Of Blocks later. We cycled down to the seafront and I chose the large pitch'n'putt game near the D-Day museum because the crazy golf is a bit passé.
And he handed us six Golf bats because on the pitch and putt, you get a sandy wedge with an angled frontispiece to hit the ball right up into a tree, and a flat-fronted putter to wipe the ball along the ground if you are ever lucky enough to get onto a green, which is the flatter area with a flag and only slightly fewer scattered twigs on the ground.
I am of course in charge so started. Then Jof hit her first shot straight out of the ground onto the path and we all laughed, for she is crap and had to have another go. On the next hole we gave one of the armful of Golf sticks back because you can share, and I hit my ball into a tree that was blatantly right there, well over to the side of the fairway I was supposed to be aiming down. Luckily, the ball ricocheted gracefully off the innocent and unrelated tree and scared away a Magpie.
And I got it into a bush and she got it into a tree and he hit the fence twice and I hit a tree and people hit my ball twice and I knocked Bud's ball into the hole and we all threw our bats around a bit and ended up trying to bat twigs, because there were more twigs than balls. And it is obvious that we had been given malfunctioning bats that can't aim properly, or those errant balls that go sideways a lot.
After an ice cream, I set up a Skype call on Minecraft with Sydney and her friend Bunny and we were doing some really epic Parkour apart from one problem. Like the brash idiot who shouts self-importantly into his cellphone in a public place, I just cannot speak quietly. And after the 4th time I was told to stop screaming or disconnect, he made me disconnect! I couldn't believe it. What a waste of some promising 1M 2F action.
Jof slaved over a hot stove for hours and made us a roast turkey dinner including pigs in blankets. Some of the bacons had come off the sausages, making them naked stripper pigs and I went back for so many potatoes and vegetables there was nothing left.
Saturday, 15 April 2017
Script Reader-Controller
I'd just been dropped off at work when I noticed that my drinks bottle had leaked all over my bag again. This makes everything sticky and 'orrible and I was not best pleased. I summoned Bud back from shopping and told him off. Here I am, partially in costume (I play Portly, a baby Otter - see the way I'm cute, slightly round and a really good swimmer) but without stage make-up: this is important for later.
Once that had been dealt with, the show could go on and I did my main scene and that's when we noticed a glaring absence. The lady who sits downstairs, listens to the performance on the baby monitor and reads through the script wasn't there. Of course her task is to follow where the players have got up to, and send up the next actors in time for their cues and scenes.
Without a competent manager doing this, it could all fall apart rapido so I stepped in and saved the day. I'm not needed for large parts of the play so I just stayed there, calmly took control, and told everyone when to go on and they listened to me and it all worked out fine! Not that I like telling people what to do, or anything. My selfless action enabled the whole shebang to go off without a hitch, Hurrah for Me!
Afterwards, I climbed up one of the tanks outside the D-Day museum for the next in the series of 'Otters Abroad'. So this time, I've got my stage make-up on, but no costume, the opposite of the first picture. To see the glorious ensemble, you'll have to come to the next performance!
Later there was chocolate aforethought and Harry Potter + Poisoner of Azkhaban. My honking great batch of duplicate coins (10 kg) sold for over £80 on a well-known auction site so I might get a few more with the credit. Bed slightly this side of the International Date Line, who's counting.
Friday, 14 April 2017
May all your coins be Gold

The performance went off beautifully. We played to a packed house and all the tables were full and the astroturf lawn in front of the tables was full and most of the audience wasn't drunk but they certainly enjoyed themselves.
But I was epic and the production was epic and if you don't believe me, buy tickets. Here follows another in the series of "It 'aint a bad place to live" with a view of the Spinnaker Tower and one in a new series called "Portly the Otter abroad" where I shall appear in person and stage make-up in a variety of local places. Today: Canoe Lake, just the right place for a junior Otter.
Saturday Night is Film Night (even if it's Friday) so we watched the real-life exploits of Mr Frank Abagnale Jnr as he blagged himself around the world to a permanent job consulting for the FBI.
Thursday, 13 April 2017
Flagged: a Spy in the Midst
Little tasks keep being finished around me such as the mobile indoor flagpole for the Scouts, formerly known as a basketball hoop and stand for teenagers. Even on this stepladder I can't reach the top so waved a flag anyway.
In the afternoon he unfairly made me go to the park to unstiffen our legs and boy, was that painful with the hobbling and the staggering and no acting at all. We met some known faces and did chin-ups. Well, one of us did.
And later, just as Jof got back home to a long weekend off before her job interview for the position of Chief Operating Officer (East Coast Division), we pigged pizza and totally abandoned her to go to the theatre. For someone who may sometimes complain about how much time I spend there, going in on my day off may seem unusual. But I wanted to see the performance for myself, and particularly, to see Sydney. So we arrived nice and early and loitered with distinct intent because I'd scoped what I considered to be the best seats in the house and I was first up the stairs and bagged them.
Now, being an insider, I knew that the stage extensions on either side were full of players waiting for their cues, including Sydney. First, rabbits and other underground creatures emerged stage left and we could see Sydney's flashlight under stage right and it began with a bang, a song and several major characters. It was incandescent! Ebullient! And more than Sooty's Magic Wonder Show, had humanoids galore, all of whom I knew. For some reason I concentrated on the mistakes made by my fellow Thespians and Bud concentrated on how newcomer Harry had a bigger part than me but we jigged along to the songs and I knew all the words and in the interval I bought ice cream.
At the beginning of the second half, several small actors sing 'Silent Night' to denote that it's Christmas time as Toad of Toad Hall languishes in Jail. I knew this so approached the group to say hello and Sydney was pleased to see me.
In the audience, loads of very little people sat transfixed by the ongoing spectacle and a bodacious spectacle it is, with laughs and running around and some inventive costume changes where shoes don't quite fit and it took the horse a long time to help Toad into his cross-dressing escape suit. Cyril Proudbottom the horse is one of the best characters and has a lot in common with Marvin the Paranoid Android with his world-weary attitude and series of menial jobs. Badger has 3 different accents, some running concurrently and the dancers may not add much to the plotline itself but boy, they're good.
All in all, a triumph of set construction, colourful costumery and able performances from people of all heights and ages, 10/10, would go again. Could benefit from a larger, drunker audience less concerned with their cellphones and more concerned with joining in with the fist-waving and the clapping and the woo-ooing, like the little 4 year-old ginger kid at the front, who was the clear winner in my opinion with the running on stage and dancing strangely at half-time, even though I told him to get off. You could be part of that drunken audience. Buy tickets now. It's totally worth it.
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Opening Night
The play itself is 2 hours long including the 20 minute intermission so technically actually, performance days will be shorter than rehearsal days. I'm in 7 performances (including an extra one where I'm covering for an absentee): what a way to earn a Scout Badge.
Getting to the theatre at noon, we asked when the lunch break was, and it was right now. So we walked to the Co-Op and I found some melon and sandwiches and soss rolls and I sat with 1000 twittering girls on the bleachers outside the theatre, in the sun.
For the first session we discovered who hadn't learnt their cue lines and dances and who had to be prodded from offstage when they forgot to move or speak or smile or do anything at all. A lot of it was Child B (it's always Child B).
But the relatively short Final Dress Rehearsal was over at 5 and I walked to the Hard and sat blinking in the sun watching ferries ferrying and pigeons trying to nick my sandwiches and Japanese tourists with cameras bigger than their heads and had a welcome break in different surroundings, it's not a bad old place sometimes. Some people tried to get me to go paintballing, but you know, busy.
The performance was great and I was epic of course and we saw Badger for the first time because all along he's been the director. We listen for our cues downstairs on a baby monitor and one of the rabbits was shouting much louder than the rest, nobody fell off stage and we all got out a bit early because we were quicker. There were about 60 in the audience and tomorrow, I'll be one of them! I was pooped. So I sang the poop song (highlight of the show) and hit the sack at 11.
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