Scout-mate Flynn was also there with smaller simian-sibling "Cosmo", having been attracted by the possibility of worldwide fame. It was a tough 4-hour session with dancing and singing and miming and Cosmo hanging off my leg every time I tried to play the roary pugnacious lion being brave.
On the way home we saw what we think might be some street art near the Mucky Duck pub. Seemingly made of bits of trellis, it looks like a pile of pallets until you move into the right place and it's got a big love heart gap in the middle.
Then Bud went to the pub which I thought was for me too, but you can't have everything. I retaliated by cycling up to see Ben on the Common and that's exactly where a bunch of unattached 10 year-olds should be, Jof sent the JBs to meet us and in the warm twilight, there was no better place.
7 1/2 pints later, we met back at the ranch and I might sleep well tonight, like Johnny who did a school trip to France on the overnight ferry so therefore didn't sleep for 2 days and had to play a football tournament today.
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