Wednesday, 9 March 2016

The Plate Tectonic

barking dog at door jokeAt school today we continued work on our modular Totem Poles. We each get to make a cubic segment and then at the end, the idea is to see who can make the tallest stack which depends on the build quality of the individual bricklets. I am doing angry faces for my module and Child O was busted for looking up "Pokémon Poo" on the net for artistic inspiration.
The 2D-Quidditch players were out in force but this time they practically had to swim around as the rain had flooded the park again. This meant that Park Wednesday was off so the JBs came round to mine for Lego, swordfights and shouting. The swordfighting (with light-sabres and automatic weapons) offered a certain amount of tectonic thumpery on the floor which as usual resulted in the death of a halogen lightbulb in the dining room below, and that was before Ben arrived.
The man from the car shop rang to say the car was ready and would we like to pick it up on Saturday. But we were busy playing Hide'n'Moon which is where you hide and leap out at the seeker with your buttocks out and one of us said he wasn't gay and another agreed but that didn't stop him marrying the third in a touching mmm ceremony where we agreed the umbrella wasn't to be used any more, guess you had to be there.
In fact, we were all highly inventive in our pants only, the draught excluder makes a jolly good willy and it's lucky we all know each other well because it could have looked dubious. Jof got home to find a load of chaps in panties* chasing each other with swords, say no more squire, and once they'd got dressed and gone, I had to tidy up my room and it took me ages to find my clothes and we had to hoover again because of the breadsticks and Quavers and biscuits just 4 hours after Zoe had hoovered the whole house.
* Yes, US, not some other random group of pantie-wearers

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