Practically the whole school opted for the traditional Xmas lunch with turkey and roast pots and carrots and peas and a sausage (but not the nasty type) and chocolate shortbread for dessert. This shortbread is a secret school recipe which has been closely guarded by generations of catering teachers since the time of the Black Death, or so they said, the sauce modelled on the pustular weepings of plague victims.
Anyway, it was all so wonderful I asked nicely and got seconds!
Jof tasked us to go into the Friends-Of-The-School store cupboard (under the staircase on the northeast corner) and retrieve the Santa sacks of unused presents from when Santa failed to show up at our Xmas fayre. We know now, of course, that he was also booked to appear in 163,000 malls, shopping precincts, kiddies parties and school events during that same minute and the Elf cloning technology can only go so far. So we rooted around in the cupboard while the 4th years thundered down the stairs above us and stacked up some trestle tables that had been used for the dinner and grabbed Santa's sack and off we went.
I knew I had an online appointment to play Clash-Of-Clans so we took a week off from Wednesday Park, bought the dining room light fitting and ran home. My playing partner was not there, surely you can trust a 9 year-old to do what he says? So that left me in the dark (you have to turn the lights off to change the light fitting) so I couldn't see my Pokémon cards and the computer was busy so I X-Boxed and got quite miffed and nothing went to plan and we were both tetchy.
Chocolate pudding fixed that.
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