What a lot of wind and rain last night! Our wheelie bin had made a bid for freedom but we recaptured it. I bet it was lively on the seafront. The walk home was not going to be nice.
Supper was chicken and pasta with yellow melon to follow: Erin spilled her orange juice in exactly the same place as Ben did last week, we really ought to get the pest control people in to scan for gravity wells. We watched Tracey Beaker in which a girl runs through dense woodland vainly attempting to escape her own terrible hair. Lucky Erin went home when she did because it hailed heavily later.
Grandad rang to say Grandma is much better, enough to complain that the cauliflower cheese for lunch was cold.
I really like your blog. I also enjoy your style and command of language. I myself have rediscovered legos many times over the years. Only a few pieces stay with me in my dorm today though, one being a Dalek I made by gluing some legos together. Also, I am offended that Microsoft Word doesn’t recognize ‘lego’ as a legitimate word.