Erin and Pops (and the rest of her entire family who tagged along) have obviously been there before as they were actually really good at everything but the rest of us (and sundry parental interlopers) just got stuck in and played the big sillies.
In the food/party room after the gym, Bud put 2 balloons up his shirt and said Hello Sailor, for he is a silly man. Erin obviously saw this and put her own, rather smaller balloon up her own shirt and cradled it like a 3rd trimester pregnancy. She also announced outright that the baby was mine: I shall have to keep an eye on that one.
The food was as good as the venue and we picked at it despondently as only a bunch of 5 year-olds will. (But Johnny's six now, he's so old!) While we were inside, it hailed hugely. When the cake arrived, we all got out from under the table and saw it was an aircraft carrier! Johnny is obsessed with naval vessels and now he can absorb one through his tum and become as one with it at last.
So super-thanks to Johnny for his splendid party and all the rest of the Puddlers and Piddlers for strutting their funny stuff with me today.
When we got home there was a Go-Kart by our front gate. Pops came round in the afternoon and we played find the treasure and dens under the spare bed, let's hope Pops doesn't get a balloon under her shirt as well.
Bonus video: a small fraction of the fun we had today. Poor Ruby (Pop's next oldest sister) has a punctured foot because she stepped on the upturned plug of her mum's hairdryer or something so that is why she is hopping in this video. At the end of the party I noticed the enormous and frequent signs saying no pictures, no videos, in fact no cameras allowed in the building at all.
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