They also like the arcades at Clarence pier so we all wasted lots of coins in the flashing lights game and I played skittles which were funny because they're on little ropes and one always falls over or gets stuck and the scoreboard doesn't work properly but we laughed anyway and played air hockey.
Jof brought me Lego Movie "MetalBeards' Duel" which is the amusingly built pirate from the film fighting a micromanager which is like a microwave on little legs. She has been away looking after Nanna again and was pleased to get a proper hug.
MetalBeard is effectively a Lego Cyborg reconstructed from parts of his ship following the loss of his original body. He has real shooting cannons and a parrot, treasure chest, anchor, guns and 1 leg made from barrels of rum. A Robo Swat fits inside the Micromanager and poor little Skeletron is designed to come apart when struck by a cannonball.
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