Later we drove to Grandad's place as he had something for me. It was a 20 Euro banknote for spending money for my summer holiday, and he made me work out how much it was in pounds and the compass direction our plane will take and in return I showed him my Minecraft world.
Then he gave us the leftovers from Grandma's current account that she doesn't need any more due to being dead. I paid it in at Jof's bank and she pulled faces at me through the glass.
Straight away she asked for a new bike so she walked to the bike shop in the rain. I had ordered her to get one with a basket on the front so she could carry my bucket and spade and I wouldn't have to wear a rucksack.
She needed to get some practise so we all convoyed down to the seafront and threw rocks and she is all hopeful about how this will turn her life around etc. I can also go out for mini-rides with her now, I'll only be doing the big manly 12-milers with Bud because she's just a girl. The sun came out and we all dried off. OK, I clanged into the kerb and skinned my Achilles tendon a little, but who's counting. The future's bright, but I'd left my shades at home.
Later we set up the game of Monopoly that we'd started a couple of weeks ago. I didn't fancy my chances so said let's play Risk instead: now I (the Yellow Peril) own Australia and most of Russia. Stupid-Head is gonna die real soon, I just have to kill the Thinking Woman Strumpet and I'll be World Dominatrix ... (think I've got the words right)
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