In such radiant sunlight I need sunglasses. So we cycled to Specsavers in Southsea who sent us over the road to Superdrug, who sold me some and I looked like the Terminator which is all I've ever wanted really.
The modern age of public health has led to an exercise station over by the sea road. So we all pushed and pulled and lifted and clanged and generally monopolized it for ages until one amongst our number noticed the swan-boats on Canoe Lake. It's £7 for 20 minutes, but with 5 of us that's practically cheep (aha) at half the price. So we chose some pedallers, a steerer and 2 passengers and set off by going in little circles due to arguing. When you have 4 children in 1 boat you have 7 factions and none will agree, the pedallers pedal in unrelated directions, the ones at the front cry "Forward!" and the ones behind cry "Back!" so it was a 20-minute shout-a-thon but we all swapped places many times and all got to sit everywhere at least twice. We collided many times with various other swan-ships, sometimes deliberately, and once Ben got on steering duty we actually got somewhere.
It was somewhat cold but we were strong, they laughed when I contrived to fall in and we all got sandy cracks and Ben had a wee in the sea and the girls giggled so I did it too. We walked back to base camp like a load of zombies (or like an over-used sailor man) and did the zombie chicken dance and then we weren't so cold.
One by one we left (I did 4 1/2 hours there) and after finishing the ice cream from the freezer I hit swingpark but there was nobody I knew. I strutted around helping 5 year-olds climb the rocks and boy O boy I was desperately cool in my Terminator glasses, and just think, none of those kids knew I was a secret infiltration robo-agent.
A splendid day for Vitamin D, friends and exercise, albeit punctuated by a massive hissy fit.
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