Anyway, more maths tests fooled more people with their cunning linguistics, you really have to pay attention to the wording and spelling. Some students mixed up 211,460.03 with 21,146,003 which made a fatal error to their answers.
Once upon a 6 years ago, it was warm enough to swim in the sea in October. OK, it was the 1st and by the 2nd there was a sleetstorm, but it still qualified as October. Today we knew it would be good enough so we declared Wednesday Beach and gathered by Jabba the Beach Hut and we all went in.
There are better ways to spend 2 hours apparently but I haven't met many of them yet.
At home the alleged package had arrived so I opened it and it wasn't chilli death sauce. The British Airways model plane I bought at the Doughnut on a Pole in Brighton had its original supplier's name on a sticker on the back of the box so my personal slave had gone to the website ( and bought a BA Jumbo and something off the clearance shelf called Travel Tales Dice. The idea is, you throw the 9 unique dice and they show you 9 little images and you have to make up a story to save your sanity while waiting for a connecting flight to Kuala Lumpur, and for your baggage to arrive from Kinshasa.
In our story, some Inuits went on holiday on a slow boat to China because their snow had gone. Their passports were eaten by a tiger, but then supper was ready and our story of international snow-theft intrigue was brought to a premature extirpation and we never found out how many words they have for snow, stolen or otherwise.
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