Sunday 5 June 2016

Beaches, Peaches, and Ice Cream

A splendid day to play Minecraft! All that lovely weather going on outside, and I had buildings to build and American Minecraft Youtubers to watch. Jof said I had to go and get dressed before sitting downstairs in the dark watching Americans getting eaten by Ender-Dragons, I hate living under the Jackboot of oppression.
But they persuaded me to go out in the nasty solar radiation and I chose the splashpark by the D-Day museum, and to take some giant water guns previously imported from Majorca. This was a chance to use my new bike which I failed to recognize and when we got there it was mildly busy.
The beaches were full of peaches apparently although a) I'm sure the ripened peach season starts in August in the northern hemisphere and b) I'm only 10 so not interested in girls yet.
There was some kind of event at the bandstand and the cars were parked on the grass verges as they'd run out of metered spaces and some soldiers came down with a real tank with rocket launchers on top and parked it next to the antique tanks by the anti-aircraft gun by the museum. I forgot to see it and went home another way.
But in the splashpark I was about the oldest kid and I did see one girl from my acting class and Ethan who I think goes to the same school as Johnny and Robert. Jof got us ice creams from the tennis club building and apparently you can rent the whole thing for things like 50th birthday parties but I don't know anyone that old apart from Grandad.
 Jof insisted on applying sunscreen so once we'd got home I was all stripy. She had had enough of screaming kids after about 2 hours and hardly any of that was me, honest. Still, we all got lots of sun.

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