Our new topic is Star Wars, hence the dress-up day yesterday. While it may seem contrived and of dubious educational value, tangential aspects could work. One sub-topic was Geography, where we had to find 6 spaceports in the atlas.
Could you find 6 equipped sites capable of launching an orbital vehicle? Maybe not. We also had to design and market a Star Wars-related toy of your choice, I went for the Boba Fett costume kit with blaster and retractable infra-red sight on the helmet.
I also swapped out 14 Pokémon cards and have thus come home richer in terms of Japanese fictional animalcules and look forward to re-arranging my card collection later.
Now my family and I all know that olives are on the NOT list, it later transpired that Jof got over-enthusiastic grabbing the pre-prepared pots out of the fridge, a couple of inches to the left and it could have been a pot of gravy, some Thai vegetable curry or cheese sauce. So I guess I was lucky.
On the way home I selected a Grade 3 haircut at my usual establishment and got a cherry-flavoured lollipop as a reward. Well, you're not going to turn it down, are you.
I'd just settled down for a Pokémon session when he said it's Wednesday park, get your clothes on (for I was sadly lacking). It was at this point that I remembered the slight graze I got on my knee yesterday at gymnastics when somebody blind-sided me in Tag and I fell down. So I hobbled downstairs in total agony like the very ghost of Douglas Bader when the Sturmbannführer had confiscated his legs.
I sulked under the slide for 20 minutes or so and when I decided to cut my losses, Robert invited me over so I nipped home for new trousers and went to his place where we Lego Hero-ed and that was much better.
My Scout group require a noticeboard for event announcements and display of the code of conduct etc so Bud asked nicely at his work and we got a massive adjustable whiteboard and added corkboard, here I am using a 20 millimetre anti-aircraft shell to show how my share price just keeps going up and up.
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