Sunday, 20 July 2014

Barnes Wallis: the Bouncing Bum

Woke him up nice and early because Jof is away and I have to annoy somebody.
As we no longer seem to do the regular and predictable weekend shopping trips, we keep running out of stuff because it may have been a deeply ingrained habit, but it did work. So we walked to LIDL, glowing reports of the place from Erin. I got a bit sulky when he wouldn't buy me a real football, I tried to pull the one about well don't you want me to be a premiership footballer then but it didn't work.
spray poainted graffiti tags and artwork mushrooms and pills
Anyway I decided what to do today: swimming. We looked up the available pools and chose the Mountbatten and I cycled there with him running. It's a really big pool where I got the idea for my inflatable pool party. We checked the opening times on the website and arrived without getting diverted by any swingparks. The man behind the desk said sorry we're closed for an unspecified event. This made us slightly miffed and we cycled home again. On the walls of Portsmouth Football club (Specks Lane and the like) we always like to see the graffiti and indeed some youths were spray-painting their tags and mushroom-based artwork thereupon.
After some unfulfilling hours waiting, 5pm beckoned and we cycled/ran to Eastney swimming pool and had an hour and a half throwing the ball to each other and jumping in and swallowing pool water and it was ace. I'm quite a rubbish shot so I hit many humans with the ball and knocked over the pole and the sign and caused much merriment and consternation but who cares, I had a good time. You can throw the ball high and hit the Victorian iron rafters or skim-bounce it across the surface like the Dambusters.
Film night is Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure because I've kinda done the horror/action genre and it's nice to see a comedy.
Jof isn't happy because Nanna isn't happy. But I got to try out the new shower and declared it awesome.

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