Friday 14 August 2015

All the World's a Stage

shining cats eyes funny m'ladyWelcome Ladies, Gentlemen and others to the 2015 production of All the King’s a Stage. Please extinguish all cigarettes, place your seats in an upright position, keep heads and hands inside the ride at all times and switch off all mobile phones for the entire duration of the performance.
Well, this one was an 11 1/2 hour working day. I'm practically a junior doctor.
Jof dropped me off at the King's Theatre and I rehearsed all day. When I said I was in Singing in the Rain (a fella with an umbrella) Bud said is there a policeman so they added in the part just for me!
We did 3 numbers from Hairspray followed by 3 solo events.
stage school kings theatre southsea
Then I came on alone and announced that I had won the Golden Ticket (my solo effort was missed by the guys filming so is lost forever) and that kicked off a Chocolate Factory song'n'dance extravaganza.
3 more solos later, we did Singing in the Rain. My Policeman bit was brief at best, strutting across the stage wagging my finger, but I have a natural talent for that. Then, as we did Synchronized Umbrella-ing, guess who got the dead one. Yes, I had the one with only 4 of the 6 spars functional and a lock that wouldn't engage, and when we gathered in a group, mine folded itself up and retired. The show must go on!
all the kings a stage theatre school southseafaulty umbrella bad stage propAnd so it did, with 3 further lengthy solos and 3 numbers from Orphan Annie. All the way through, a portly gentleman came on and read falteringly from a folded magazine and introduced each set. Then right at the end, we reprised You Can't Stop The Beat as our finale.
kings theatre southsea performing arts summer schoolall the kings a stage kings theatre southseaI started this as a spoken word method actor, if it's written down, I can declaim it. But this was entirely musical with some highly talented ballet and tap dancing and I had to join in the chorus line manoeuvres like everyone else. My singing and dancing abilities have gone from none to lots in one week although I do still fidget and scratch my face (sunburn).
Some of the older performers have clearly done this before a lot and the 7 foot ballet girlie and Zoe and Leilani may well go on to greater things. But so might I. No photography was allowed but we got a DVD of the performance, it'll be a collector's item when I get my second Oscar.

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