Once Jof had got home, it was much the same. But deep down we knew we'd need the dining table for some turkey-related shenanigans tomorrow so we resumed the game of Monopoly and I trounced her totally with glee and a bit of sadism. At the end I had £12,722 and a cheeky face.
So here are two modern takes on the xmas scene, one with selfies, Starbucks and Segways, and one with stars, plasma ball and smirking xmas elf in a tie-dye T-shirt.
And after watching Zootropolis, I asked for a sleeping draught to enable me to access Christmas Day without all that unpleasant waiting about lying awake thinking of all the super presents I won't get. But I called it a sleeping Drort having only seen it written in books. Much like Arnold Schwarzenegger in 'Twins' - lots of book learning, but no real life experience of getting a Chloral Hydrate Mickey Finn. Give it time.
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