It was a fun day with a giant quiz in teams of 5. One boy hogged the picture sheet where you had to name the star and say what film or programme he'd been in, I was the only one to get Sly Stallone in Rambo. But mostly it was meaningless pants about pop songs and one of our team just played with his Pikachu so we lost dismally. And I got injured when we were sitting in a line and Child A poked me repeatedly in the shoulder with what he openly declared was his penis but was in reality a purple pen and it hurt so I kicked him in the foot.
Other people got to watch the film which was 'The christmas nativity' so a close escape there. We have a new topic for the new term which is the Battle of Britain: this is good for me as we've just bought the DVD and I already salute at Spitfires, because I know about the old saving-our-botties thing. Then I went home and killed zombie villagers for hours because srsly, what else does one need. Jof passed her special test at her work and we all forgot to ring Grandad.
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