Absolute bedlam this morning. 2 new plasterers arrived and clearly didn't know the ropes, not even the strings. They remodelled the lounge by moving all the furniture out, the TV went in the hall, I had to have breakfast in the kitchen!
After Gymnastics Jof helped me find the beach project. Normally I have to do a rough copy in my own words and in my own writing, it gets spellchecked for me and I copy it to a neat sheet.
This time the rough was in Nanna's writing, I read it out and Jof typed it onto a word doc. Much easier. Next time I might just get a Wikipedia entry about beaches and copy/paste it.
In other news, Bud says he's going to use this to get 3 ladies all called Svetlana for the next PuddleDaddies outing.
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